I am a huge fan of Mindfulness.
I look at it like being a passenger on a bus.
Before Mindfulness, I was a passenger at the back of the bus. The ride was bumpy. There were crazy hairpin turns and sudden shifts in direction.
“Who is driving this bus”? I would wonder. But I couldn’t see. I was too far back. I just went along for the crazy ride.
Then I discovered Mindfulness.
And I started practicing Mindfulness Meditation.
The bus ride was still bumpy, but I realized that I could change seats.
So, I slowly started moving up towards the front of the bus. Just a few rows at first. The ride was still bumpy, but getting a little more stable.
I kept practicing and moving up rows. Now I could make out the driver in the rearview mirror. I could see that he was stressed, in a hurry. I started to understand why he was driving so crazy.
I moved up a few more rows, The ride became smoother and I could clearly see the driver. I could even shout out directions and ask him to slow down a little.
I continued practicing Mindfulness and moving up rows until I was in the seat right behind the bus driver. Now, I could whisper directions in his ear. I could easily see when he was stressed out and his driving was getting erratic. I could offer words of comfort and encouragement to help keep his driving smooth.
I couldn’t always catch him in time. Sometimes he would still make a crazy decision and veer off in some undesired direction. But I was right there and I could help him head back in the right direction.
So, here I sit today. In the seat right behind the driver. Mindfully watching him and whispering directions to keep us on course.
Just mindfully riding the bus.