Whenever you point your finger, you have three pointing back at you.
Go ahead and try it…I’ll wait.
Point your index finger forward. Good. See how your middle, ring, and pinky fingers point right back at you?
Ok…so what’s the point?
The point is that when we blame someone, or something, for our problems, we are pointing our finger at them. We are saying “this is your fault”, and absolving ourselves from the role we play in the problem.
There is nothing more useless than blaming. It is literally “pointless”. Nothing gets accomplished. Nothing gets solved. Everything remains stagnant. It is the ultimate zero-sum game.
Taking full responsibility, on the other hand, is the most empowering thing we can do. Problems get solved. The water is churned, filtered, and made clean again. It is a positive-sum game. A powerful mindset.
Are we to blame for every problem in our lives? Of course not. Things happened when we were young that we had no control over. We are at the mercy of fate and chance.
However, we can always take responsibility for finding and implementing a solution. That is 100% on us.
So the next time you are ready to point your finger and blame. Stop and think instead.
There is only one person responsible for your current situation. Only one person who can fix the mess you are in.
Get to work.